2 months!

We went to a few BBQ's over Memorial Day weekend and Daddy shared his drink with me- it was good :).

Wow I cannot believe that Eli is 2 months old. I held her next to a newborn last weekend that was bigger than she was when she was born and I couldnt get over how much she's grown already.

We went to the doctor for our checkup and she is starting to catch up, 10.7 lbs now, almost in the 50%.

Here we are at home afterwards you can see her "boo-boos" from the 3 shots she had to get. Mommy cried too but she did well and calmed down pretty quickly- the tylenol helped too.

My sweet girl still has smiles for me...

Eli is also learning how her hands work and loves playing with them and her toys; she gets frustrated when she can't get the toy in her mouth. She is starting to ah-goo and squeal when shes happy too.

1 comment:

JVinlove said...

She is sooo cute!! how are you all doing? we should get our babes together sometime. i finally added your blog to our links so i can check it everyday now...yeah!!