2 months!

We went to a few BBQ's over Memorial Day weekend and Daddy shared his drink with me- it was good :).

Wow I cannot believe that Eli is 2 months old. I held her next to a newborn last weekend that was bigger than she was when she was born and I couldnt get over how much she's grown already.

We went to the doctor for our checkup and she is starting to catch up, 10.7 lbs now, almost in the 50%.

Here we are at home afterwards you can see her "boo-boos" from the 3 shots she had to get. Mommy cried too but she did well and calmed down pretty quickly- the tylenol helped too.

My sweet girl still has smiles for me...

Eli is also learning how her hands work and loves playing with them and her toys; she gets frustrated when she can't get the toy in her mouth. She is starting to ah-goo and squeal when shes happy too.

Kathy's Bat Mitzvah

This past weekend I completed a year long study in Judaism and Torah.

This was an amazing experience that I shared with 5 other wonderful women.

Here I am reading/chanting my Torah portion from the Book of Numbers

Look at me! :)

Mommy's School

I was finally brave enough to take Eli to school to meet all of my second graders. They have been asking the sub everyday when we're coming. So I decided to go on field day when they would be tuckered out and outside.

Mothers Day and more

Celebrated my 1st mothers day today and it was perfect. Ted made breakfast in bed and then we had family snugglefest for most of the day as I have been under the weather with mastitis.

Here is Eli with her touchdown pose.


This was too cute I couldn't resist

Grandma and Grandpa came by for a visit

Dancing with daddy

Hanging out with mommy and Maggie