I'm 6 months Old!

Big exciting things are happening for little Miss Ellie. She can almost sit by herself, she has started babbling mamamadadadagagaga so much fun to watch and listen to! On the flip side she is starting to understand what strangers are so she can get a little pouty and fussy.

We got the go ahead real food-finally! She has been watching us like crazy for the past month and even stealing peas off my plate.

Ellie literally stole the spoon from my hand and attempted to feed her self.

And this is just cereal....

Weekend fun

Ellie and her new karoke machine- she loves to sing duets with that baby in the mirror.

Ellie's hair is finally starting to come in. She has this cute spiral on top.

All dressed up and no where to go ... at least I look fabulous!

Love "Big Mama" Maggie

Practicing standing with daddy

Roly Poly

I can roll both ways now- front to back and over again. In fact this is how I "crawl" to go get my toys that I want to play with.

My toes are one of my new favorite toys- I love to try and get them in my mouth.

Ellie's 5th month & The Kenney Clan's Birthdays

Ted and I celebrated our birthdays at the end of July then my parents celebrated their's in August as well as my cousin Lauren and then my Uncle Andy's is early Sept. I think I may have missed some- sorry family. Any how we all got together for a tasty BBQ at Andy and Sherry's. Miss Ellie stole the show as usual :)!

St. Mary's Glacier

We went hiking at St. Mary's Glacier to have a birthday pinic for one of our friends. It was a great time. Only a little rain but it quickly blew over. So many babies for Ellie to meet, she loves her new friends!

Back to School

So we returned from our wonderful California trip to a mixed blessing. Ted is going to be staying home with Ellie until he finds a new job. So I had to get used to going back to work and Ted is learning how to be a stay at home dad. Its been a little bit of a stressful transition but were working together and everything is turing out to be just fine!

Hanging with daddy at Einsteins!

We've been taking lots of hikes with Ellie- Golden Gate Canyon