I love playing with my mommy

My brother and sister like to play with me too

Mommy and Daddy bought me a new toy

One Month

This past Monday Eliana turned one month old. The first few weeks were difficult as she was eating every two hours- I was up more and updating the blog more. So its been awhile but now shes on to 3-4 hours so here we go...

Bubby, Yeti and Aunt Mimi (Ted's parents and sister) came to visit and spent almost a week with us. It was a wonderful time and we already miss them.

We also had Eli's naming ceremony it was bueatiful.

The proud grandmas

Thanks to our friends Jeremy and Madline for the bottle of wine that was bigger than Eli :)
it was perfect for the ceremony and dinner.

Aunt Debbie from Texas was also up for a quick visit and she dropped in with her signature gift the diaper cake.

Tummy Time

Eliana has been working hard to lift her head and move it from side to side.

Sometimes she gets stuck.

Here we are getting our big workout for the day

Out for a stroll

Today it was beautiful outside but mommy says the snow is coming again tonight. So we decided to take my fuzzy brother and sister for a walk.

Man it's bright out here!

Maggie, Duncan come on lets go!

The dogs did so well, they heeled alongside the stroller the whole time.

6-days old

At 6 days old and she is already holding the bottle herself.
Snuggling up with her new friend.

I found my fingers