36 Weeks

Weekly checkups are in order now that we are getting so close, so we went in again Friday. I had a non-stress test (NST) which came back perfect. We will get another ultrasound next week to check on growth again. So our little lady is yes still little but she is growing at her own pace and that's all that matters.

Im certainly starting to feel the effects of wanting the oven timer to go off :) Besides being so excited to finally meet her I am certainly feeling more uncomfortable. Im waddling a bit like a penguin, some times my ankles look like tree trunks, and my joints have me feeling like Im 80.
I also worked up the courage to have some studio pictures taken with Ted so we can remember this special time.

This was one of Ted's favorites :)

More classes, checkups and showers

Ten Hut! Sir, yes Sir, I survived Daddy Boot Camp!
This dads-to-be only class was Thursday night. We got to chat with fathers of 0-6 mo olds about their experiences. Being able to relate to other men about the pregnancy/birth experience was a nice change. Some of the material covered was a repeat of other classes (like how to swaddle a baby) but repetition is good reinforcement.

On Friday Kat and I went in for another checkup. Baby is looking good. She gained about 1/2 pound since the last appointment. She is head-down now. She was grabbing her toes when they took a peek on the ultrasound. The kid is going to be a smarty, she's counting inutero.

Yesterday morning we had our last baby education class, it covered breast feeding. Kat plans to breast feed our baby girl so it is great that there is much support for women who choose to do so. It turns out that babys that eat breast milk have many advantages. Higher IQ, less alergies, less likely to get sick or ear infections etc. The class was well put together and by the end none of the men were giggling every time the instructor said "breast". :)

After class Kat's girlfriends from college had a shower for her at the house. I was able to make my self scarce by taking the dogs for a 3-mile walk and playing in the garage (I installed some boomin' speakers in the new baby-mobile).

To day we are off to another baby shower (yes another) with a different goup of friends. I think this one is coed since both our names are on the invitation. I'm driving seperately just in case!

34 weeks

We are in the final count down now, only a month (or so) left. Kathy is definitely in full nesting mode now. Maybe it helps her take her mind off how uncomfortable she is. The latest check up went well. Baby Z is a bit small at about 4.5 lbs but she is otherwise perfectly fine. Here is a picture of one of her feet. They must be developing well with all the kicking she has been doing. Also at the last ultrasound you could even see some hair on her head. Pretty amazing!

Baby CPR class is tonight, I pray I'll never need it. This past Saturday we had child birthing class. We learned the ahi-ahi-ahi-ah-who breathing technique among other things. Kat has a new perspective on the way she'll be able to manage giving birth (aka give me the damn epidural now!) Next week is breastfeeding class.

Kat posted the painting pictures below so you can kind of see the new color. Oh, the crib is still sitting in the box, un-assembled, taunting me.
Beware of the cucumber-lemongrass lotion! Big Mama is doing well despite the swollen feet and heart burn.

The nursery is now painted a more feminine color (Idyllic Blue). We picked up the crib this week (thanks Mom and Dad) and I should find time to assemble it over the weekend (despite the all day baby class on Saturday). We also found the "pack n play" waiting for us on the door step this evening. Kathy had to do some detective work to find out it was from Aunt Sima and Uncle Bob, thanks guys! Yet another assembly job for Daddy...

Baby Z will be here before we know it, I just hope we can get our preparations complete. I had to remind Kathy that we need to pack her hospital bag soon. There are literally hundreds of small tasks to get to. Oy Veh!

32 weeks

Where have my ankles gone? Being on my feet all day at school is taking its toll. I'm a bit swollen but as long as I try to put my feet up more often I will be fine. Ted is also supposed to be massaging my feet but he has this weird fear of lotion. Had a non-stress test today and Baby Z was rocking out being a healthy little thing. The doctor also did a quick check and she is head down now- starting to get ready to say hello. We get another ultrasound next week so hopefully we will have more pics to share then.